Grand Haven native was recently introduced as the next NHL head coach of the Seattle Kraken.vancouver canucks dressing room

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He started as a hockey player and transitioned to the coaching world later. His name is Dan Bylsma, he graduated from Western Michigan Christian High School. Bylsma was an all-around athlete who won the Class D golf individual championship as a freshmanattendance winnipeg jets. He was a starting left fielder for the Christian's 1985 State championship teammontreal canadiens jersey number 32. Bylsma played in Muskegon Junior Hockey, Norton Shores, and Grand Rapids GRAHA. He went on to play college hockey at Bowling Green State University.

Bylsma was drafted by the Winnipeg Jets but never played a game for them and then signed with the Los Angeles Kings in 1994.  Bylsma liked to dance in the locker room so he was nicknamed "Disco Dan." He later went on to play with the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim in 2000 and retired in 2004.

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According to Wood, Bylsma began his coaching career as an assistant coach for the AHL's Cincinnati Mighty Ducks and the New York Islanders in 2004. He went to work for the Pittsburgh Penguins, Buffalo Sabres, and the Toronto Maple Leafs. In his time with the Penguins, he was part of a Stanley Cup Championship and the team making it to the playoffs 5 seasons straightottawa senators expansion draft. Bylsma became the assistant coach for the Detroit Red Wings for three seasons. He has now been named the head coach of the Seattle Kraken.

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